Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Sock Monkey Birthday Printables: Cupcake Wrappers

I'm so excited about my newest sock monkey printables... cupcake wrappers! I just saw these online somewhere the other day and thought, I HAVE to make some of these to match my sock monkey stuff!

I made them to coordinate with the cupcake toppers, and you could cut the top with straight or scalloped scissors.

Click here to download the PDFs:
Cupcake Wrappers 1
Cupcake Wrappers 2

Don't forget to check out my other free sock monkey birthday printables:
I also made all of these files in girl colors, and I'm really excited about sharing those, too.

Please let me know if you use my decorations, I'd love to see pictures!

ETA: Hi, I'm so sorry to anyone who is new to my blog, but we've added 3 kids to our family through foster-adoption, and I just don't have time to customize the birthday printables anymore. I hope you'll understand! Feel free to enjoy the free ones. :)


  1. Cute cute cute!!!!! Hmmm, these may be the answer to my "what am I going to do for G's first Birthday" question!!! :)

  2. Those are so cool! I'll definitely be finding a use for them soon! :)

  3. I love these and appreciate that they are free. I will use them next month for my son's 1st b-day. I only wish there was a way to change all of the number 2's to number 1's. THANK YOU

  4. Anonymous: If you check this again, you can email me at and I can change the decorations any way you'd like for a very, very small charge.

  5. LOVE this! I have been looking everywhere for some cute Sock Monkey decoration for my boy's first birthday party!! I will show you pictures after the party!! THANK YOU!!

  6. THANK YOU! I wanted to do something simple for my boy's first birthday because we don't have any family close by. But I still wanted to make it special. This is PERFECT!

  7. These are so amazing! Thank you very much for sharing you still have the girl colors available? My email is jasongravette @ aol . com. Thanks again!
