J was born today (39 weeks and 5 days) at 12:35pm!!! He weighed 10lbs 3 oz, is 22 in long, and has a 14.25 in head. He is the cutest, chubbiest little thing ever and we are so in love!!
Long story short: My water broke last night like a tsunami in our bed! Contractions came on hard and fast pretty much immediately. The midwife came straight over and I was already dilated to 6 cm. I labored hard for 12 hours, but because of his unusual presentation (right leg straight down, left foot tucked behind right thigh) I was stuck at 8 or 9 cm, basically in transition, for about the last 8 hours or so. His right foot was born and I was feeling incredibly pushy, but it just wasn't safe to push without being fully dilated because the head could get stuck in the cervix.
So, at the strong recommendation of all 4 amazing and knowledgeable midwives, we made the difficult decision to transfer to the hospital for a c-section. I was disappointed and scared, but I wouldn't change a thing. I know I did everything I could and this was just the way he had to be born. I am so encouraged by the wonderful labor I had and how the contractions were actually pretty manageable the whole time. I am also humbled by the incredible midwives who believed in me enough to even give me a chance for a breech home birth.
I still believe in birth and look forward to my future VBAC babies. I can never express how much all of your prayers and encouragement have meant to me during this journey.
I will try to get a full birth story written out and posted soon, along with more pictures!
Long story short: My water broke last night like a tsunami in our bed! Contractions came on hard and fast pretty much immediately. The midwife came straight over and I was already dilated to 6 cm. I labored hard for 12 hours, but because of his unusual presentation (right leg straight down, left foot tucked behind right thigh) I was stuck at 8 or 9 cm, basically in transition, for about the last 8 hours or so. His right foot was born and I was feeling incredibly pushy, but it just wasn't safe to push without being fully dilated because the head could get stuck in the cervix.
So, at the strong recommendation of all 4 amazing and knowledgeable midwives, we made the difficult decision to transfer to the hospital for a c-section. I was disappointed and scared, but I wouldn't change a thing. I know I did everything I could and this was just the way he had to be born. I am so encouraged by the wonderful labor I had and how the contractions were actually pretty manageable the whole time. I am also humbled by the incredible midwives who believed in me enough to even give me a chance for a breech home birth.
I still believe in birth and look forward to my future VBAC babies. I can never express how much all of your prayers and encouragement have meant to me during this journey.
I will try to get a full birth story written out and posted soon, along with more pictures!
Ten pounds!!!! What a man! Congratulations! I am praising our Father with you as you celebrate Jude's arrival! Glad you and Jude are doing well!
ReplyDeleteTen pounds!!!! What a man! Congratulations! I am praising our Father with you as you celebrate Judah's arrival! Glad you and Judah are doing well!
ReplyDeleteJude is SO perfect. You are amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a doll! So happy for you... Hugs and congrats to you and your hubby.
ReplyDeleteLots of love!
congratulations! I'm so happy for you and I'm glad things went well (even though not as planned).