Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We're Going to Malawi!

No, not permanently. And Jude's staying with his grandparents while we're gone. But Josh and I will be traveling to Malawi for two weeks in June!

Eric and Stephanie Chapman are the missionaries we worked with in Moldova. They've been living in Moldova since just after the fall of the Soviet Union, and they've been traveling to Malawi a couple of times per year to start churches and care for orphans there for several years. As the local men who run the school and camps in Moldova have taken over more and more duties, and as the local churches in Malawi have been vigorously sharing the gospel and planting new churches, Eric and Stephanie have been called to move to Malawi so they can focus more of their energies there, while still overseeing and supporting the work in Moldova.

Most of the new churches that are being planted in Malawi are being led by lay-pastors who are recent converts themselves. As you can imagine, these men have a great need for Bible training so that they can teach others. Eric explains things in more detail in the following video, which he and Stephanie made just for us:

Training Pastors in Malawi from Joshua Caleb Hutchens on Vimeo.

Josh will be teaching theology to the first group of pastors for 4 days in Zomba. For the second week, we will be traveling to a region known as the Lower Shire, which I'm told is very remote and primitive. There, Josh will teach an abbreviated version of his theology lectures four days in a row to a different group of pastors each day. During all of this, I will be helping Stephanie teach the women and children and of course I'll also be taking lots and lots of pictures.

Here is one more video Eric shared recently telling about some rallies they've been having:

Please pray for Eric and Stephanie and the work they and the local pastors are doing in Malawi, and also for our trip!

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