Friday, April 17, 2009

AAP: Keep Carseat Rear-Facing Until Age 2

The standard rule for turning a carseat from rear to forward facing has traditionally been when your child is at least 1 year old and 20 pounds (so if they are under 1 year but over 20 pounds, or over 1 year but under 20 pounds, you should wait until they meet both criteria).


But in light of new safety research the AAP is now saying that children should ride rear-facing until they reach the maximum height and weight recommended for your carseat model, or at least the age of 2. The AAP's research shows that toddlers are more than 5 times safer riding rear-facing than forward-facing.

See the AAP article here.

Click here for an article more fully explaining the "why" behind the new recommendation.

1 comment:

  1. About time they did this. My 29 month old is still rearfacing in his Britax Boulevard.
