Friday, January 11, 2008

New Year’s Resolutions


I know, I know... everybody makes them and nobody keeps them. I've actually never been a big resolution-maker, so for me to make FOUR this year is certainly ambitious.

1. Read my Bible every day.

I was majorly impressed when a preacher that Josh and I were listening to the other day said that his wife has only missed one day of studying her Bible since they were married in the 70's, and that was because she had some kind of surgery and almost died. My strongest desire in life is to be a Godly woman, and the only way for that to happen is for me to spend time in his Word every day.

2. Keep the house cleaner/neater.

This is really important to Josh, and therefore something that I want to be better at doing. Just keeping it picked up will be a big step for me. My goal is to have it picked up well enough that we would feel comfortable inviting people over on a whim without having to rush home and clean up. That is SO HARD for me! Especially laundry, which is my downfall. Right now I have a huge pile of T-shirts on our hope chest in the bedroom and nowhere to put them because our closets are a lot smaller here than they were in our last apartment.

3. Exercise regularly.

I recently found out that I have high cholesterol, so this one is really a lot more than the usual "I want to lose 10 pounds by this summer" kind of resolution. I don't really care about losing weight, I just want to be a little healthier than I have been the past couple of years (okay... since I graduated high school). Our plan is to exercise for 30 minutes at a time every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So far, we're 2 for 3. Not too bad.

4. Eat healthier and plan our meals.

Eating healthier goes along with exercising and the whole high cholesterol thing. Planning our meals is twofold. One, it will hopefully help with our grocery budget if we know exactly what we need for the week and only get those things instead of wandering around Kroger for 2 hours buying what looks good. Two, it keeps us from standing in the kitchen every evening when I get home from work and wondering what's for dinner, starting to cook something and finding out we are missing an ingredient, and running to McDonald's (which is right across the street... curses!) because we have nothing to eat.

So there it is. I'm hoping that actually writing this down and putting it out there for others to see will help hold me more accountable. So ask me how I'm doing with these every now and then, okay?


  1. Oh, I am so there with you! My house is my absolute weak spot! If someone came over RIGT NOW, I would cry. Its a wreck from the holidays for sure! I NEED my house to be in better order, but I HATE to clean house! I would rather do most anything else than clean my house! I like it when it is done, but getting to that point is such an effort!

    I need to work more at all the above resolutions as well!!

  2. My resolutions are to quit drinking so much coffee and to become less narcissistic. I'm failing miserably at both.

  3. Hi Stace! I know that we are long past the New year but I made the same resolution to plan our meals - It has now been a year + and it has made SUCH a difference. On Sat or Sunday Tyler and I plan a menu for the week - usually 8 meals which includes breakfast/lunch for the weekends and allows for a meal out - then from the menu I make a shopping list. And we go to the store once per week.
    This has...
    a) saved us $$$ in meals out and waisted groceries
    b) saves me time picking out what we want to eat
    c) saves me time running to the store to get what we need for a meal mid week
    d) Ty can look at the menu - posted on the fridge - and will know what the options are
    e) has made me more creative in the kitchen because of all of the time/$$$ I am saving
    d) Ty's friends think it is seriously cool when they are over (especially on monday when there are more options) and I hand them the 'menu' to choose from. I am a "cool" wife like that! :)
